Friday, January 4, 2008

God Bless the Child.....

God is Great.
God is Good.
God will help you if you have a broken heart.

God is fun.
God is quick.
God will fix you if you're sick.
(If the doctors don't know how to fix you).

--Annaliese Litton, 4 yrs the backseat on the way to the hospital

Anna has been talking a lot lately about God & how he cares about her & her "sick sister". She makes up songs about God & asks Matt & I to make them up, too. Last night, Matt said, "You sure do know a lot about God," to which Anna replied, "That's cuz I have the Bible."

I'll be taking Anna to a local Catholic Church on Sunday to see if she likes it. We're not searching for anything, but we think she is. Matt says all the time that Anna's chosen to be a Christian already (nothing wrong with that). I feel the need to give Catholicism another try. To give Anna an opportunity to be raised with a faith-base. It's almost not fair to raise her without one. How can she make a decision to turn away from or deny something she has never been exposed to? And it certainly can't hurt. The community of church-goers is the big draw for me. Getting involved, helping people....fellowship. And the Catholic faith is part of who I am, like it or not. It's my culture, my people. I've tried other churches, and I just feel out-of-place. Like I'm saying their prayers & reading their books. I walk into a Catholic Church, and though I don't necessarily feel drawn to God, I do feel at peace. There are things about being there that make me uneasy & uncomfortable too......kind of like when you go back to visit the home you grow up in....there's all of these familiar comforts, yet a whole bunch of crappy memories too. At least the people change (when I go to my "home church" in St. Charles, it's really weird....when people knew you as an awkward pre-teen who was constantly causing trouble, it's hard to look them in the eye & try & convince them you were never that person....I'd rather not have a past plastered on my forehead). So, we'll give it a go. I'm sure my Grandma will be ecstatic to hear this. Don't hold your breath, Grandma. I can't make any promises.

Maybe Anna can help us all to Go Tell it On the Mountain.


Shelley Baker-NMDP said...

Just wanted to let you know that Jillian is in our thoughts everyday here at the National Marrow Donor Program. I am the Recruitment Specialist who has been working with your friends to organize Marrow drives in San Pedro/Torrance. We admire your strength and know that we are here for you and your family. Take Care. Hugs to Jillian.

Shelley Baker
Recruitment Specialist
National Marrow Donor Program

Anonymous said...

Michelle, Matt and Family,

Please know that we think of you often and you are in our prayers daily. Katie and I are hoping to visit soon, but I am sure you girls will be released from the hospital once we call and try to make the arrangements!! We are batting 3 for 3 so far! Michelle, your words are amazing and you constantly bring to light this strength and emotion that is unbelievable.

With Love,
Jennifer, Matt and Katelyn Fisher