Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Here we go again....

We were admitted last night, very smoothly, thanks to Renee, for making us tortilla soup & fruit parfaits (does your creativity have a limit??), Matt for leaving work a little early so I wouldn't lose my mind, Kristin for playing with the girls at the park while I ran errands, Alyce for all the fun goodies (love the Hike for Discovery info did a fabulous job...I am definitely doing this NEXT time....and the girls were super excited about the fairy godmothers, dwarfs, Ariel & Tinkerbell....some fights ensued, but no blood was shed), Karen, Heather & Pete for helping us move our stuff in and Heather for making the most spectacular leafless salad I've ever had in my entire life (I need the recipe....NEED the recipe), with warm pumpkin bread, and Janel for getting us a private room and our favorite night nurse. Unfortunately, we lost our private room this morning, just after I unpacked the last little thing. Some kid had a fever or something & needed it....we have been spoiled to have one so much, actually, least it's on a B side (close to the window) and our roommate seems pretty quiet. He's 9 (one of 4, and mom is pregnant), and currently playing video games in the playroom while Jill sleeps. She had her bone marrow biopsy and spinal tap this morning, and despite taking an extra long time to come out of her drug-induced stupor (she was still tripping over her own feet and swaying while standing in place right before nap...a good 3 hours after being sedated....a little odd, I think), all seemed to go off without a hitch. Okay, so guess that's that. I thought this day would fly by, but its slowly creeping, and I think that's because of my attitude. I've been dreading this visit...I've been telling myself (such a glutton for punishment) that this round will be the hardest because we're far enough in now that the adrenaline rush of "let's do it" has passed & there's nothing left to troubleshoot,'s just the same 'ol annoying crap & I'm ready to get off the crazy bus, now. And it's not the LAST one......with the last one, you can be like, "it's almost's the LAST one!" (sigh) Attitude must change if I am to get through this next month without going batty. Hard to do, but not impossible. Helps that today is Ash Wednesday, a day of reminding ourselves that (apart from the fact that we're all big sinners) life is short and no one is immune to death, so we should value our time here and use it wisely. It never fails that as soon as I feel I can't take anymore....I am reminded of how this is just another bump in the road & how everyone has them....some are bigger than others, and it's all relative.

I will now be moving on. Moment to moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle,
I am Laura Maloney, the other Honored Teammate for the Hike for Discovery Team. I know what it is like to battle leukemia, but I can only imagine what it would be like if it was my child that was sick.
What a beautiful family you have.
Hang in there sweet lady, and if you ever want or need anything, Alyce has all of my contact info.
I am sending tons of healing energy Jillian's way!!