Thursday, November 1, 2007

St. Louis Bone Marrow Drive

We have organized a bone marrow donor drive in St. Louis. It will be Nov. 11th at John Burroughs School, 755 S. Price Rd., 63124, from 1pm - 5pm. Anyone who would like to join the bone marrow donor registry can simply pop by during that time, fill out a medical form, and take a simple cheek swab, which will be tissue typed. There is a $25 fee (actually, it's much higher, but St. Louis has a "community matching funds" program that brings down the cost for individuals.) And that's it. If you are determined to be a tissue match for a waiting patient, and are asked to actually donate bone marrow, this procedure is more involved. The procedure is done under anesthesia, so is not painful, but donors are usually sore for a few days afterward. You can use this link to learn more about the commitment you are making when you join the donor registry:

Please come out and join the registry in support of Jillian and all the patients waiting for a match. Feel free to spread the word to whomever you'd like, and contact Laura ( for more information.

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