Sunday, October 7, 2007

Please Give Blood If You Can

Please spread the word that the blood supply is really low right now...and platelets even more so (Jill's already rec'd many transfusions of both). While visiting us, people can donate at the Blood Donor Center (not sure if it's in Long Beach Memorial or Miller Children's, but the bldngs are attached)....562-933-0808...Donor Center Hours are M/W/F 8:30-4, T/Th 10-5:30...1st Tues of month 11:30-7pm. You should eat a meal before donating. Call about platelets....I think you're supposed to take Prednizone right before (mild side effects) and it is a 90 minute procedure. Parking will be validated. Again, thank you!


SharonG said...

Hi Guys,

We are thinking of all of you and sending our positive energy to our "niece" Jilly. Please tell her we LUB her.

Jim picked up the fridge for her room and our extra car for Jim to use so you can use his for your Mom. Please use both as long as you need.

The blog is a great way to keep everyone who cares and loves you all informed, and while I KNOW it is hard to ask for what you need-well, you are doing quite well! I work with my newly diagnosed childhood brain tumor families all the time and it is the same...but all of us who love and care for all of you are here for you, and will here for the long haul.


Paul & Sharon

danielle said...

Hi Michelle & Matt,
I am thinking about all of you a lot. I am thankful Michelle for the time we spent talking today. I just read Little Luna's Big Deal, and it touched me very much as I understand the uncomfort of emotionally undressing. I just also know its healing power and wish you my best. You and Matt are wonderful and wise to open up to support of any kind, as it will allow you to focus on the more important and urgent things to you while allowing your friends to support you as you deserve it. I will definetly come visit and donate blood, I just don't have a set up date yet.
Try to get some rest and peace.

Kim McCarthy Loffredo said...

Hi Litton's!
Michelle, I have no words of comfort except to say that we love you and are praying for you. I hope Kristi told you that Im on an AML research hunt, as Im now working on Hem/Onc at Childrens Hosp. LA. I'll gather as much info as I can (Im sure you already have lots). Also, Tony is off on Tues 10/9, he is blood type O+, the universal donnner, and will drive down to donate for the both of us (I can't). Talked to Jenn Biron today and she sends her love & support. I'm working on a care package for you so you can keep up your own immunity in this stressful time. Michelle, I see these kids with ALL and AML make great recoveries EVERY DAY at work... and Jillian is just waiting to be another sucess story. WE LOVE YOU!
xoxo Kim and Tony Loffredo